Job posting
How do I post an opportunity?
Opportunities are the internships, jobs and/ or events you currently (or in the near future) have on offer.
To add an opportunity:
- Go to your opportunities page
- Select ‘post new opportunity’
- Carefully enter the description and requirements for the opportunity. We will only communicate the opportunity to people who meet its requirements.
Promote your job
A promoted job is pinned at the top of the jobs overview of directly the right students, is included in the jobs alert email and allows for it to be liked, which triggers automatic reminders to apply.
Just contact us by using the red question mark in the bottom right corner to purchase a promoted job, we’ll get back to you as soon as possible!
Discover matching people in your network
On the Profiles page you can discover the right candidates. After you have selected an opportunity, the lanes will help you control the entire recruitment process on Learn more by clicking here!
Share your opportunity
Don’t forget to share it and use your reach on other channels as well! By clicking on the Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn button, which is located on your opportunity’s own page, you can quickly share it to other platforms to increase your reach!
How do I edit an opportunity?
Opportunities are the internships, jobs and/ or events you currently (or in the near future) have on offer.
To edit an opportunity:
- Go to your opportunities page
- Open the opportunity you wish to edit
- Select ‘edit opportunity’ on the right hand side
What’s the difference between an active, draft and a deleted opportunity?
Active opportunities are visible on your company page and are communicated to students. A draft is a job, internship or event that is not (yet) visible to students.
A deleted opportunity is a job, internship or event that you have deleted and has been moved to the deleted folder.