It is important to have your company page on as complete and well-filled out as possible, so that job seekers can get a good idea of what it’s like to work with you. On the overview page, found via the ‘Home’ button, you will see the status of your company page under ‘Employer branding’. If the company page is fully completed, you will see that it is 100% complete. If this is not the case, you will also immediately see the ‘to-do’s’ that you still need to complete to reach 100%.
Check these company pages for a good example:
Testimonials allow your colleagues to tell potential candidates what it’s like to work at your company. A testimonial should be short and concise, and consist of a maximum of 300 characters. To make it more personal, we recommend adding a photo of your colleague with their testimonial.

Tip! Add testimonials that align with the job openings you have available.
Photos and video
To ensure that you have high-quality images of your office, we can arrange for a photoshoot. We will send a professional photographer and/or videographer to your office to take 15 photos and/or 1 video. We will then place these photos and/or video on your company profile, so that job seekers can immediately get a good impression of your company as an employer.
You can easily request the photos and/or video as follows:

Company pages with about 15 high-quality office photos are viewed best. Make sure that the photos are varied and give a good image of your office, atmosphere, and most importantly the people who work there. We recommend not adding banners/ads with text.
Tip! Make sure that the photos are taken in the same style. This looks much more professional!
Promoted company

With the help of the ‘Promoted company’, you can bring extra attention to your company among relevant job seekers. Job seekers can easily connect with your company by using the ‘Promoted company’, they will be connected with you! You can send connections a personal message to invite them, for example, to apply for one of your job openings. By using the ‘Promoted company’, job seekers can see your company profile more easily, and your company will have a higher chance to be seen by the relevant audience.